Dr Raj Ahlowalia’s presentation this week for TubulesLive was on ‘Comprehensive Functional Aesthetic Dentistry: The Keys to Predictable Success’. For those who missed it, I hope you find these few key points beneficial!
- You don’t know what you don’t know yet!
- The keys to longevity require you to consider: disease control, aesthetic stability, structural integrity and functional stability
- Have a structured process for your consultations and treatment planning. Develop a methodology and be prepared to keep refining it.
- When goal setting think about the client’s goals, client’s restrictions, client’s compromises, practitioner’s restrictions, case awareness and the decision of referring or treating. Data gathering is carried out through sensing, asking questions throughout comprehensive history taking, examination, special tests and perhaps a diagnostic phase. Then you are ready to diagnose the current condition and consider structure, function, aesthetics and stability/longevity/prognosis.
- Pretty much anything that you do to the teeth will change the occlusion. If you change the occlusion, you are responsible for it! Sometimes it is safer to assume that everyone has a parafunctional habit.
- Be extremely precise with your prescriptions for work. Note down as much detail as possible, even if it seems obvious to you.
- Dental photography gives a great baseline record. It’s also a good idea to take photographs of your diagnostic work. This can, for example, help to show patients the step-by-step process of the required treatment.
General Dental